Rank Qualifying Score Carryover
1 Wayne Burt - Vincent Messina 67.43% 8.38%
2 Geoff Phipps - Ron Mak 66.44% 7.96%
3 Joe DeGaetano - Dan McGuire 61.80% 6.03%
4 James DeRuosi - Kathleen Larnard 56.60% 3.86%
5 Larry Cheetham - Allen Pattee 56.57% 3.85%
6 Skip Page - Carl Wikstrom 54.86% 3.14%
7 Paul Marquis - David Lawrence 54.51% 2.99%
8 John Lampron - Sue Ouellet 54.02% 2.79%
9 Jules Lemire - Murray Scott 53.50% 2.57%
10 Cliff Lopate - Carl Vancelette 52.91% 2.32%
11 Jim Felch - Merrick Weinstein 51.51% 1.74%
12 Ted Fulton - Renate Schmidt 48.27% 0.39%
13/14 Art Young - Manning Rountree 47.34% 0.00%
13/14 Ray Carle - Joanne Gill 47.34% 0.00%

Carryovers are expressed as a percentage of the score in the final.

PLEASE NOTE--- carryovers may be subject to change