Newton Bridge Club

at Temple Reyim in West Newton

Play of the Hand, Part 1

Thursday Afternoons, 2:15 - 4:15 PM, at Temple Reyim, West Newton
7 sessions, Oct 31 - Dec 19 (see below for specific dates)

This class focuses on how to make a plan of action once you are declarer.
We will learn and practice a new declarer play technique each week.
We will also review basic bidding.
You will learn by doing and playing several hands each class.
We will turn up each hand after play and review it for bidding, play, and defense while it is still fresh in your mind.
You will take home handouts with clear explanations and quizzes to reinforce what you just learned.
You will receive copies of every hand played in class with written analysis of the suggested bid, play and defense.

Prerequisite: Must know basic Modern Standard American Bidding.
You should have taken a Bridge class in the past two years or equivalent playing experience.

Topics covered will include:

I expect to cover only the first 3-4 topics in the 7 sessions in November and December.
Reviewing the bidding, learning defense, and declarer play usually require two classes for each numbered topic.
I will cover the rest during the Winter session starting January 9th.


Parul has been a tournament bridge player for the past 13 years, winning several district and regional championships. She is a professional, ACBL Accredited Bridge Teacher, who specializes in teaching bridge to Beginner and Intermediate students. She has a B.S. in Computer Science and did her MBA from Case Western Reserve University. She worked for VISA and Smucker's among other Fortune 500 companies.

Class dates:

Thursday Afternoons, 2:15-4:15 PM:
Oct 31 No class Nov 28
no class Nov 7 no class Dec 5
Nov 14 Dec 12
Nov 21 Dec 19

Course costs:

(if paid on the first day):
7 classes $175
6 classes $155
5 classes $135
4 classes $110
3 classes $85
2 classes $60
1 class $30

Individual classes (drop-in) $30 per class.

To sign up for this course:

Please email Parul at paruljain at gmail dot com or call her at 201-739-6649.
Date and prices are subject to change due to room availability and the number of students.
Bring a check made out to "Parul Jain" to the first class.

NOTE-- Class scheduling and cost is TENTATIVE - exact offerings and schedule is subject to change or cancellation, depending on interest, number of signups, and room availability. If the number of signups is low, we my be forced to increase the cost or cancel the course.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email Parul at paruljain at gmail dot com or call her at 201-739-6649.